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Holy Trinity National School, Fethard

Some updates from 6th Class!

26th Oct 2021

Since returning to school in September, 6th Class have been working hard whilst also having lots of fun in school. 

Below you will see pictures of a science experiment which had us testing whether the size of the bottle and the volume of liquid in the bottle had an impact of whether the bottle would land upright after being flipped. We also learned that the soft ground in the sensory garden did not help with our experiment.

We also read 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' as our class novel. In the book, a new boy appears in the back of the narrator's class one day but this boy is different to the others in the class, he is a refugee from Syria. The book follows the narrator's quest to re-unite the refugee boy with his family whilst also dealing with school bullies. In the story, the narrator learns that the new boy loves pomegranates and we realised that most of our 6th Class had never tried pomegranates so hence the pictures below of some of our class enjoying pomegranates at lunchtime. 

We also had a lovely class visitor, Geansaí. Geansaí is the school's wellbeing dog and we absolutely love when she comes to visit our class.