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Holy Trinity National School, Fethard

Having Quack with the Farm in Aistear! 🦆

1st Oct 2018

Last week we were exploring how to play together and are starting our handwriting without tears letters in Aistear through the theme of the Farm. In the coming week we will be trying to upload links to all the jolly phonics songs. Below are the sounds ai, j, oa, these double sounds are particularly hard to get the sounds of so feel free to play the below songs to help your child learn their new sounds.

Wanted: in this section we will be advertising for any toys which are no longer being used, which are in good condition and which will not be missed. There is no obligation to donate anything and there is no pressure. This week we are looking for any Farm (tractors animals etc). If they are in good condition there is a home for them in Junior Infants.

Linkthis is where we will post any helpful or fun links for you to check out   this link is very important if you are struggling with the concept of two letters one sound.