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Holy Trinity National School, Fethard

Archeologists visit 3rd and 4th Class

25th Nov 2017

On Friday, we were very lucky to have two archaeologists visit us in school! They work in the museum in Clonmel and came to tell us about how we find out about the past. We listened first to Julia and Jane telling us about how and why archaeology works, the subjects that we would need to be interested in if we ever want to become an archeologist and why it is so important to take your time and take notes when out on a dig! Then we had a chance to try our own dig in soil that had been divided into quadrants (we learned that this helps us to keep track of exactly where we find something). We had to take our time and be very careful not to break or damage items that we found and after, these had to be put into plastic bags so that we could keep track of what we found and where we found it. Have a look at us at work!