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Holy Trinity National School, Fethard

News Nuacht - 5th Class

2019/2020 School Year

29th Nov 2019
Some children from 5th class were busy making brown bread with Mary earlier this...
29th Nov 2019
5th class have enjoyed learning the skills of cycling safely over the past number...
20th Nov 2019
5th class were busy today planting daffodil 🌼 bulbs to remember our loved ones...
15th Nov 2019
A big thanks to Mary who takes a small group of children out each week to do some...
15th Nov 2019
We learned how insects can walk on water by doing the pepper and soap experiment...
13th Nov 2019
5th class have been very busy the past two days. We have been looking at static electricity...
12th Nov 2019
Huge congratulations to our brilliant U13 football team on winning their county final...